[Qgis-developer] Offline editing Plugin

Pirmin Kalberer pi_ml at sourcepole.com
Wed Sep 29 07:13:41 EDT 2010

Am Mittwoch, 29. September 2010, um 12.08:06 schrieb 
luca_manganelli at comune.trento.it:
> qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org scritti il 29/09/2010 11.37.21
> > I wrote a little blog article about it:
> > http://www.sourcepole.ch/2010/9/29/offline-editing-plugin-for-qgis
> I cannot download sources and neither view the screenshot.

Paths are fixed. Please try again.


Pirmin Kalberer
Sourcepole  -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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