[Qgis-developer] Mac dev builds are back, now working on Lion

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Sat Aug 20 12:27:04 EDT 2011

I have 1.8 dev builds available now for OS X.  I am now using an installer package.  This is so I can include the same base and install the Python parts for the system it's installed on.  It also takes care of compiling the python scripts.

There are 2 installers, one with a full QGIS and one without the globe plugin (25 MiB with all the osg libraries).

The mapserver component is NOT included for now because it needs the fcgi library and Apache module, which Apple removed in Lion :(

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"I ache, therefore I am.  Or in my case - I am, therefore I ache."

- Marvin

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