[Qgis-developer] Plugin reorganization (again)

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 10:14:13 EST 2011

Hi Richard,

2011/12/19 Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmailings at duif.net>:
> At this moment, when I disable ftools, the whole vector menu disappears.
> So will my little plugin (which I placed in the vector menu by using the
> metadata-trick) then by itself create a vector-menu item in the main menu?
> OR are the main-categories now always created by qgis itself, and only
> shown when at least one plugin/module is using it?
You are right, currently Vector menu create from fTools. But in my branch
this fixed: Vector menu created by QGIS itself and displayed only when
a plugin that should go to the this menu activated (same we currently have
with Database menu).

Also to place plugins in the proper menu you need to use methods of the
QgisInterface class, metadata now only used to display information about
where to find installed plugin in Plugin Manager.

Alexander Bruy

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