[Qgis-developer] Re:CAD Tools: icons not visible

Giuseppe Sucameli sucameli at faunalia.it
Wed Feb 16 13:33:21 EST 2011

Hi all,
today it happens on my Ubuntu too!

Here the fix:
1. move the resources.qrc into the main plugin dir (cadtools/)
2. edit paths to the icons in resources.qrc fitting them to the new position
3. generate the resources.py: pyrcc4 -o resources.py resources.qrc
4. change all the instances of "import resources" to "from cadtools import

And to avoid unnecessary path on the enviroment path variable:
1. open cadtools.py in editing

2. remove the following line:
sys.path.append( os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/tools' ) )

3. change all the tool import from (e.g lineintersectiontool):
from lineintersectiontool import LineIntersectionTool
from tools.lineintersectiontool import LineIntersectionTool
except "from cadtoolsaboutgui import CadToolsAboutGui"

4. create an empty tools/__init__.py file

And if you have time,
remove the unused cadsettings.ui and ui_cadsettings.py from the main plugin

Now all should work ok!

On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:35 AM, aperi2007 <aperi2007 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Il 25/12/2010 10:31, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:
>  Il giorno sab, 25/12/2010 alle 10.14 +0100, aperi2007 ha scritto:
>>> Can anybody see the icons in other 64bit installations?
>>>> All the best.
>>> In Win7 - 64bit installation from os4geo (qgis-dev)
>>> I see them.
>> Thanks - is this a real 64bit?
>> All the best.
> The win7 I'm using is the 64bit version . Is a really 64bit version.
> But qgis-dev is the 32 bit version (from osgeo4 installer)
> Andrea.
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Giuseppe Sucameli
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