[Qgis-developer] Send us your tips!

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Sat Feb 19 07:38:42 EST 2011

Hi Tim,

W dniu 19.02.2011 11:02, Tim Sutton pisze:
 > Yesterday I added a 'tip of the day' type dialog that appears when
 > QGIS starts.

Good idea and very nice feature.

 > If you are a developer, you can add tips directly to
 > src/app/qgstipfactory.cpp - it should be self explanatory what to do
 > when you look at the source.

Your code is ready for i18n, but I can't find those phrases in 
translation files (trunk). Are .ts files updated daily or there is 
another reason?

And one more observation. Looking for tips in general program settings, 
I found increasing number of options. Regular user can be lost...
Do you remember our discussion during hackfest considering two UI - 
simplified and advanced.
It can apply to menu elements, forms content but also to tips.


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