[Qgis-developer] Re: A roadmap to QGIS 2.0

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 08:46:30 EST 2011

Ups same sorry from me - I did not read down and overlooked 1.7 and 1.8 
(Where is 1.9?) .. globe and threading were already mentioned ..

but as Pirmin already said - I would condsider switching to 2.0 from a 
User point of view with all those nice new features ..
so putting globe into 1.7 would already make a 2.0 out of it from my 
point of view..

but it's also ok with 1.7 as long as it gets in ;)


Am 18.01.2011 14:04, schrieb Borys Jurgiel:
> Dnia wtorek 18 stycznia 2011 o 13:37:40 Borys Jurgiel napisaƂ(a):
>>>>   What i'd like to see also in 2.0 is the threading and globe thing as
>>>>   ...
>>> +1 I think those two things could be "the big new features" in version
>>> 2.0.
>> And the new rasters, of course :) One of the biggest things I'd expect from
>> 2.0 is better native raster handling.
> Oh sorry, it seems we all were too excited to read Tim's message to the end ;D
> You were writing about those features, Tim ;D
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