[Qgis-developer] feature-request: qgis-desktop -> qgis-server integration

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Jul 8 03:32:04 EDT 2011

Hi Devs,

Geoserver has a so called 'REST'interface: it's possible to push (PUT) a
dataset to the geoserver, and immediately registre it as layer-service

What about bringing something like this (slowly) into qgis:

- given a saved project with mirrored data on client/server: push
'current' qgis-project file to the qgis-server, to immediately have this
project available on the server
- option: for smaller dataset in a qgisproject with relative paths: wrap
up the (selected layer?) data(files only?) in a zip and PUT those next
to the uploaded qgis-project file on the server.

I have a use case for this available :-)
A user with small scanned maps that they want to show in a browser:
- georeference a scan
- view/adjust in qgis
- push to qgis server from within qgis

I would think for a start we can do without full protocol descriptions:
just literally push qgs/data next to server (which has to get adapted to
handle this off course)

I'm aware of a potential security risk here
I know scp, but my users not (and probably on windows-desktops)

Do devs/people see something in this?

How to proceed: write a wikipage for this? Or a feature-request?


Richard Duivenvoorde


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