[Qgis-developer] QGIS + CRS:84

Emmanuel Séguin emmanuel.seguin at ign.fr
Tue Jul 12 06:11:51 EDT 2011

Hello all,

We're experiencing a little glitch using QGIS with WMS 1.3.0 layer

The scenario : Open QGIS, Add WMS Layer, Connect to WMS to get 
capabilities, select layer, add layer. Result : No data displayed 
neither in the thumbnail nor in the main map window.

Here is the layer we're trying to display into QGIS :

   <Title>ScanDEP IGN en PNG</Title>
   <BoundingBox CRS="IGNF:LAMB93" minx="57599" miny="5999999" maxx="1289601" maxy="7142400"/>

To try and understand why no data were displayed, I've intercepted the 
QGIS requests with Wireshark and here is what actually happens :

For the thumbnail :


For the map :


=> QGIS requests are sent with the advertised CRS:84 but the BBOX are 
actually wrong (the axis order is lat/lon when it should be lon/lat).

However, if we define the SRS using the "Change..." button of the WMS 
layer window everything is working fine.

Is there a bug fix planned for this issue ?

Thanx in advance,


PS : Yeah i know "epsg" are in lower case ... maybe QGIS doesn't like it 
... but it's been a good way to spot a bug ;)

Emmanuel Séguin
SIEL - Pôle technique du Géoportail
Institut Géographique National
2/4, avenue Pasteur - 94165 Saint Mandé Cedex
Phone : +33 (ext : 72.21)

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