[Qgis-developer] QGIS Plugin - Ovals

uk52rob uk52rob at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jun 3 06:12:18 EDT 2011

Hi Giovanni,

Thank you for your response.

Yes I have indeed thought about going down the line of sponsorship or sites like 'getafreelancer.com', but I use this for local community based projects, and therefore we hardly have much money as it is.

I guess if I had the money I would be on ArcGIS as this probably has a tool to do the job along with increased functionality, but unfortunately this is not the case. Besides, I get on well with QGIS and would prefer to stick with it.

I appreciate everyone has to work for a living and not all developers want to just give away their life's work for free, but if anyone has looked into this before as a test project, or part of another project, then I would be grateful to hear from them.

If funding were to be available for any development work, are there any systems in place to manage it, such as GAF, as referred to above?



-----Original Message-----
From: Giovanni Manghi [mailto:giovanni.manghi at gmail.com] 
Sent: 03 June 2011 10:52
To: uk52rob
Cc: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS Plugin - Ovals


> I am not a python developer myself, so I am not used to the language.
> However, if anyone is able to come up with a ‘simple’ (dare I say it)
> plugin, or has created one before and it has not yet reached a repo, I
> would be very grateful to hear from you.

have you considered sponsoring the development of such tool?


-- Giovanni --

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