[Qgis-developer] QGIS Web Client: problem with layers in different SRS

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at rigacci.org
Tue Jun 7 07:46:19 EDT 2011


I have a QGIS project with two layers: one is EPSG:3003 
(metric, Italy) and the other EPSG:900913 (metric, Google).
The whole project is in EPSG:3003.

QGIS Mapserver works well: layers are correctly overlapped.

The problem is with QGIS Web Client: the map extent is calculated 
without reprojecting, the 900913 layer prevails and "Zoom to the 
maximum map extent" gives a wrong result.

What is the supposed fix to this problem?

1) Do not mix different SRS in the project
2) Let QGIS Web Client do the proper reprojection
   (may be using OpenLayers.Map.displayProjection ?)
3) Force the map extent in GlobalOptions.js

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy
Tel. ufficio: 055-0118525

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