[Qgis-developer] Re: python plugin and layer properties window

Camilo Polymeris cpolymeris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 05:48:37 EDT 2011

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Michael Pfeiffer
<Michael.Pfeiffer at bd.so.ch> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> no hints for this problem?
> I have the same problem with the mapcomposer window.
> When closing the mapcomposer window I want to get the close signal or close
> event of the window.
> I need this because I want to switch of some things in the map canvas
> automatically which I switched on when the user clicked the "Map Button" in
> the GUI.

I am not sure I understand the question correctly, but:

Do none of the provided signals work for you, like
QMainWindow::destroyed() or QgsComposerView::finished() perhaps?
Or just QDialog::finished(int) in the case of the Layer Properties dialog?

You can get a pointer to those structures through QgsAppInterface, I
think. There is the activeComposers list, and, of course, the
mainWindow pointer.


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