[Qgis-developer] New Python console idea: Expanding the Python console to handle DSLs for plugins eg CADTools

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 07:33:18 EDT 2011

Hi All,

I had a idea today that I would like to get peoples feedback on.  I have
drafted up some code and  wiki on github to keep it all together.

Link: https://github.com/madmanwoo/Custom-QGIS-Python-hooks-idea
Wiki: https://github.com/madmanwoo/Custom-QGIS-Python-hooks-idea/wiki

The general idea is handling custom commands (DSLs) from plugins but in the
python console to save on plugins having to reinvent the console dock just
have a simple command line style interface.  Have a look at my github repo
and wiki above I think you will get the idea pretty quick.
 The default action for the Python console is still running Python commands
unless told otherwise.

I would appreciated any feedback anyone has.  I'm not a python expert so the
code could be done better if done for real but at the moment it's just rough
to get the idea out there.

Nathan Woodrow
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