[Qgis-developer] Request: WFS Add Layer Plugin enhancement

Hilmy Hashim hilmyh at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 03:06:11 EDT 2011

Hi devs,

First of all congratulations on the release of QGIS 1.7.0.

I just finished a whole week with 50 state and federal agencies using QGIS
trunk to show the current state of fundamental gis data which we are
developing. An unexpected and consensus comment was that QGIS was so much
easier to use than mapinfo and the like. Note that this was not a QGIS
training. I merely used QGIS to view the various layers we had in geoserver
through wfs. The release of QGIS 1.7.0 is timely.

One comment we had was that when a layer was added using the wfs add layer
plugin, the *name *of the layer appears in the layers panel rather than the
*title *which they used to search for particular layers in the plugin
dialog. Our layer names are rather cryptic, using feature codes. Once
several layers are loaded into QGIS, it is very difficult to distinguish
from one layer and another.

Would it be possible to show the title of the layer rather than the name,
perhaps as an option? This goes the same for the wms add layer. I know we
can rename the layers in the panel but this gets rather tedious.

Thanks in advance for your consideration. If this requires funding, please
let me know.

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