[Qgis-developer] crash in GdalTools

custard custard at westnet.com.au
Thu Mar 10 21:04:05 EST 2011

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paolo Cavallini" <cavallini at faunalia.it>
> Subject: [Qgis-developer] crash in GdalTools
> Hi all.
> In some (but not all) Windows machines (both seven and xp) we are getting
> crashes in gdaltools (contour, buildvrt, possibly others) [qgis 1.6,
> standalone]. I noticed that there are 2 gdal app folders (16 and 17).
> Anyone can confirm the problem?
> Any idea of what we can test?
> All the best.

Hi Paolo,

I've jsut checked the Contour on the two standalone 1.6 in the office and can confirm the inconsitent behaviour.

On both machines, I used a registered jpeg in MGA94 zone 51, and set the contour interval to 100.
On the winXP 32bit machine it completed with out problems.
On the win7 64bit machine, it displayed "The process crashed sometime after starting successfully" after creating the shape files but before asking what CRS to use.

The created shape files from the two machies are however, identical. (I can put them up somewhere if it helpful)

I can't rule out the different operating systems. 
I have a recallection of updating the 1.6 install on the win7 machine, but no recallection of doing the winXP. Was there a revision 1.6 installer released?
If there was, how do you tell the different instalations apart?
I have a suspicion that these are slightly different 1.6 installs, but can't see a good way of confirming this. Everything on the Help->About page is the same.

As an aside, the other win7 machine in the office is the osgeo path, and is clearly showing influence of the side-by-side trunk install. It completed the task successfully.

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