[Qgis-developer] Multipart to Singlepart: empty result

Luiz Motta motta.luiz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 07:14:34 EST 2011

Hi Agustin,

I created the single part making adjust of code.

I have two observations

1) The projection of your data is not  recognized by  by QGIS (see the PRJ file)
It is not problem for run the process from multi to single part

2) The fTools have one BUG in method of  "multi_to_single":
2.1) Source:

2.2) Line 357/358
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
             fields,  vprovider.geometryType() , vprovider.crs() )

Obs: The layer to be create need be single part, it is what you want, but
the define of type the geometry for new layer is the same of original
( vprovider.geometryType() ).

2.3) Adjust in code:
2.3.1) In line 354 put:
geometryTypeWriter = vprovider.geometryType() - 3
2.3.2) In line 358 change:
 vprovider.geometryType()  to geometryTypeWriter

Please, open the ticket to Carson make the best solution for BUG

Luiz Motta

2011/3/12 Agustin Lobo <alobolistas at gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> Having
> https://sites.google.com/site/openfiles2/home/ikn2_testsites_dis.zip
> as input, I want to get a layer in which each point be an independent object
> keeping the field of the original layer as a second column in the table.
> I try with Vector/Multipart2Singlepart, but get an empty layer.
> I'm not sure if this is a problem of the tool o of the inout layer.
> Any help appreciated,
> Thanks
> Agus
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