[Qgis-developer] SpatiaLite very slow with QGIS 1.7

Cline, Royce L. rcline at nd.gov
Fri Mar 18 09:16:10 EDT 2011

I have not filed a ticket. It appears to be an OS X issue and I am waiting to see if William is able to resolve the issue. Is it better to file this issue and the Identify Tool problem as one or separate tickets as they are both QGIS 1.7 SpatiaLite issues?

William was able to recreate the problem with his own SpatiaLite database, so it is not unique to my databases. To recreate the problem, get the sample SpatiaLite database files samples.tar.gz<http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.4.0/samples.tar.gz> from http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.4.0/index.html. There are four layers in the db3.sqlite database. Repeat loading these four layers into QGIS until you have a total of 80 layers. Save the project and quit QGIS. There will be a long delay quitting with GGIS 1.7 while QGIS 1.6 quits are instantaneously. The more layers you add to the project, the slower opening the project and quitting QGIS become.


On Mar 18, 2011, at 2:20 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Il giorno gio, 17/03/2011 alle 17.08 -0500, Cline, Royce L. ha scritto:
Did further testing. The problem is a power function of the number of layers.

Have you filled a ticket for this? Culd you please share a sample db, so
we can test this on other OS?

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