[Qgis-developer] Raster providers

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Sat Mar 19 15:54:41 EDT 2011

Dnia sobota 19 marca 2011 o 16:57:11 Radim Blazek napisał(a):
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Borys Jurgiel <lists at borysjurgiel.pl> 
> > Finally! :-) It's impressing. I observe two issues only:
> > 2. GDAL TMS layers don't work. I get a warning messageBox:
> It seems to work. I have not done any particular fix for this, but it
> was possibly fixed by one of many other fixes I have applied. Can you
> verify?

Yes, it works for many days (I believe I was reporting it's fixed). Thanks!
However the following tickets are still valid:


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