[Qgis-developer] Template programming in QGIS

GOO Creations goocreations at gmail.com
Fri May 13 03:32:12 EDT 2011

Hi all

I'm currently writing C++ code that I want to use via Python with SIP. 
The following is a skeleton for my code:

    /template<class T>
    class MyClass
    //MyClass//(QString s);
         T* calculate();

    class B
         void doStuff();

    void B::doStuff()
    //MyClass//<int> var("");
         int *var2 = var.calculate();


The only class I've included in my SIP file is class B (and not class 
A). Everything compiles correctly, but when QGIS starts, I get a Python 

    /  File "/home/goocreations/apps/share/qgis/python/qgis/utils.py",
    line 283, in _import/
    /    mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)/
    /ImportError: /home/goocreations/apps/lib/libqgis_mylib.so.1.7.0:
    undefined symbol: _ZN15//MyClassIiEC1E7QString/

This error seems strange, since I've never included MyClass in the SIP 
files and the only place MyClass is instantiated is in my cpp file (I 
didn't even include the MyClass directory in the cmake file that handles 
the SIP files). So I'm a bit confused  of how Python gives an error on 
code that isn't linked to SIP.

So, I've though that creating a SIP binding for MyClass may resolve the 
issue, but I can't figure out how I would use templates in SIP.

By the may: when I remove the template from MyClass and make everything 
by default int, everything compiles and runs perfectly.

Does anyone have an idea of why this is happening, or if I maybe have to 
include something special in the cmake files?


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