[Qgis-developer] DBManager plugin for QuantumGIS (GSoC 2001)
Giuseppe Sucameli
brush.tyler at gmail.com
Tue May 24 14:50:54 EDT 2011
Hi Radim and devs,
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Radim Blazek <radim.blazek at gmail.com>wrote:
> QBrowser is just one use of QgsBrowserModel which was developed
> also as model for possible substitution of various "select layer" dialogs.
I can use the QgsBrowserModel, no problem about this.
Create/edit/drop tables and views is exactly what I would like to have
> also in QBrowser. But not only tables! ... Why queries
> could not be done in QBrowser or something similar?
Allowing to run queries on database requires a lot of code in the provider
and also
out of them, I should export methods to call the query, to get results, a
class to
map results, exceptions. Furthermore IMHO it's not good to implement this
providers as they was thought to work with layers.
I couldn't use the QtSql module because its drivers are not in sync with
database APIs used in providers.
So, how do you think I can achieve this?
In python instead pyspatialite is compiled againist the same sqlite version
used by QGis. I don't know if it's the same for psycopg2, but anyway
API is enough stable.
> I would like to have a
> possibility to move/copy layers between various databases, files or
> other resources, e.g. drag a WMC layer to RasterLite.
This is on my gsoc proposal, so don't worry, obviously I will develop it
into providers.
> IMO the QBrowser
> and the PostGIS Manager are very similar. A tree on the left + tools
> to work with data. QBrowser currently for OGR,GDAL,GRASS, WMS and
> PostGIS Manager for PostGIS. It seems natural to me to merge them into
> one tool.
AFAICS looking at the code, in this moment would be easier to merge together
QBrowser, RT_Sql_layer, SL_manager and PG_manager in this order, instead
of merge them in the opposite way.
> The QBrowser / QgsBrowserModel is still work in progress, we don't
> have exact ideas how it should look like, it can go in various
> directions.
Will it able to do the coffee?? :)
I'm pretty sure most of you, devs, knows qgis better than me.
I hope we could reach enough point of views and re-design all before
tomorrow evening,
so the day after tomorrow I can start coding.
All your opinions and ideas are very welcome.
Giuseppe Sucameli
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