[Qgis-developer] qgis browser

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Wed May 25 12:28:48 EDT 2011

Hi Radim,

> > WMS layers show the metadata but no layer preview. GRASS
> > locations/mapsets are seen as normal files.
> Yes, but GRASS layers only since Sunday evening. You should get GRASS
> icon in the tree for locations and mapsets.
> There is a little bug however, the preview is not always updated. Try
> to switch some layers and tabs.

I'm running qgis-trunk using the nightly build repository under Ubuntu

I'm trying to switch layers and tabs (and clicking "refresh" or even
"stop rendering") but I still can't see any wms layer (metadata is
correctly shown).

I also can't see the GRASS icon when browsing a location/mapset, as they
seems are recognized as normal files.

On another note, did you noticed the following?


it seems that the "customization" code has brought issues and actually
qgis-trunk is barely usable (can't save a project, can't create a shape,
can't use many other dialogs -> ex: raster tools).

Sorry for bugging


-- Giovanni --

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