[Qgis-developer] nasty bug

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 14:46:11 EST 2011

Hi Richard (and Gary and Marco),

I found the source of the problem... is the *value tool* plugin.

This plugin is so important when doing raster analysis that in every
qgis installation/course I install it immediately (and in fact I think
it should become core).

Richard: you have fixed recently a few plugin issues, I didn't realized
it was introduced this regression, can you have a look at it?

Sorry for the noise,


-- Giovanni --

> I'm not sure, but I think I've seen this error message on ubuntu also
> when trying to do georeferencing tiffs in combination with the
> OpenLayers Plugin.
> But recently I had an update of this plugin (running 0.71 now), and now
> I do not see the error (any more).
> Is it possible that your course machines are running the older
> OL-plugin? If so, try to update or remove them?
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

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