[Qgis-developer] Unique value renderer in New Symbology?

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 03:02:49 EST 2011

Hi Gary

> 2. Will there be a unique value renderer in new symbology?

I agree, using the categorized symbology with a random color ramp
produces not good results (many times with adjacent polygons with the
same color), with ugly colors and is not straightforward to
use/understand as the unique value renderer.

> 1. When will old symbology be removed?
I hope not before all the features that are available in the old one are
ported in the new one. I also give many training courses and what people
is mainly missing are:

*) the overall transparency slider for all the renderers other then the
unique value. Actually in master you can select multiple
classes/categories, right click and choose the transparency (that by the
way is defined with a 0.0-1-0 interval, where the slider is 0-100%) but
again is not very handy (when having many classes) and not very

*) in the old selecting multiple symbology classes allowed the user to
change the symbol for all that classes in one go. In the new symbology
you can select multiple classes but, if the button "change" is click
then the symbol options are applied only to one of the classes


-- Giovanni --

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