[Qgis-developer] Re: shx missing
aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 16:35:59 EDT 2011
>Hi all.
>If the .shx file is missing for a given .shp, qgis will correctly
>complain and will
>not load the shapefile. Apparently in other sw this issue is solved by
>rebuilding the
>shx[0] (it seems a common problem for CAD users, for instance[1]).
>Would it be feasible for qgis to have the same option? I do not think
>it is supported
>by OGR, so possibly it would be better to add it there?
>All the best.
Guess another really useful tools should be a tool capable to
re-organize a dbf following the shp + shx file.
I explain better:
Surely one important option is be able to create the SHX file from the
SHP and DBF if it is missing.
But also another very interesting situation is when the DBF is
re-ordered wrongly.
A sample situation is when a user open the DBF using other softwares
like excel or access or also other similar softwares (openoffice, and so
on) all DB-manager like capables to understand only the dbf file.
This softwares when save the dbf unfortunately often they re-order the dbf.
This is a very bad situation because after this reorder, the couple
"shp"+"shx" are not-sync with the "dbf".
And a result of this is that the GIS tools begin the associate the wrong
record to every geometry.
In this situation, the shp file and the shx file are surely correct.
They are not touched from a tools DB-only that write the dbf file.
So I guess it should be possible to re-create a correct dbf correct
ordered following the info of the SHX file.
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