[Qgis-developer] Re: Load SQLite table into QGIS

mmekuria sailmcm at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 19 19:14:18 EDT 2011

Forget my request. I went ahead with a native SQLite query (after including
the sqlite3 header) here is what I used to get to the data,

	sqlite3 *db;
	int rc = sqlite3_open( spliteDBName.toStdString().c_str(), &db);
	if( rc ){
		txtStream<< "Can't open database: \n"<< sqlite3_errmsg(db) <<endl;

	strQry = "select i, sum(v) as sumi, count(i) as counti from tbltps group by
	rc = sqlite3_exec(db, strQry.toUtf8().constData(),NULL , NULL, &zErrMsg);
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
		txtStream<< "\tSQL error: "<<strQry.toStdString()<< zErrMsg<<endl;
and one can use other functions such as 

	// SQLite get table  statement
	rc = sqlite3_get_table( db, strQry.toUtf8().constData(), &results, &rows,
&columns, &errMsg );

Thank you again for your help,


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