[Qgis-developer] In the Postgis driver don't list schema without geometries

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Oct 24 14:07:42 EDT 2011

are you sure it is not a permission problem? There are permissions
schema usage and on table, views, and more. If you don't have the
permissions, it won't be listed.


On 10/24/2011 07:22 PM, aperi2007 wrote:
> Hi,
> Using the postgis driver,
> the option "Also list tables with no geometry"
> work only on shemes where there is almost a table with geometry :)
> Infact I create a scema with only one table and this single table has no
> geometry.
> This schema and the table is not lists when try to connect to the DB.
> I guess this is a bug
> but I don't know if this is a problem for my qgis:
> qgis-dev (b34f924) on windows,
> with postgres 9.1.1 and postgis 2.0
> someone can confirm it ?
> Thx,
> Andrea.
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