[Qgis-developer] Re: Working on Symbology Improvement for the GSOC
Martin Dobias
wonder.sk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 02:14:03 EDT 2012
On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> - in the tree, each node should have a small preview icon for that
> node. So for example if a node is a symbol layer, it would just show
> that simple line or whatever. If the node is a symbol, it should show
> the composited result of the symbol layers beneath it. If the node is
> an aggregate symbol, is should show the composited result of the
> symbols beneath it.
> - Assuming a tree that works this way:
> - Class Symbol
> - Aggregate symbol
> - Symbol
> - Symbol
> - Symbol Layer
> - Symbol layer
> [...]
> - The gui we had envisaged in Lisbon would provide a tree and to the
> right of it would be a widget which would update based on the context
> of the node you are on.
I have also recalled the GUI brainstorm from Lisbon hackfest - I have
put together a quick mockup to explain what we designed one year ago.
The image is attached. Please note that this one dialog should replace
the recursive series of symbol selector + symbol properties dialogs.
The idea is that there would be just one dialog for setting symbol
properties that dynamically updates its content depending on the
selection within the symbol tree.
I will comment on other ideas/proposals later.
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