[Qgis-developer] --configpath unactive on QGIS master

jr.morreale at enoreth.net jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Mon Apr 23 08:18:20 EDT 2012


I would like to know if anybody here is using the configpath option on 
Windows 7 with qgis-master (rv991c7ba for me) to confirm the following 
behaviour so I can open a ticket.

We package QGIS with many default parameters to ease the deploying, one 
of the modifications is the location of ~/.qgis :

C:\OSGeo4W\bin\qgis-dev.bat --configpath D:\SIG\qgis\

If I install a new plugin, it gets correctly downloaded in to 
D:\SIG\qgis\python\plugins but when QGIS tries to load it it doesn't 
find it as it is looking everywhere  for ./python except the configpath.

Can't load plugin 'sextante' from ['C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-dev/./python', 
'C:\Users\morreale jean roc/.qgis/python', 'C:\Users\morreale jean 
roc/.qgis/python/plugins', 'C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-dev/./python/plugins', 
'C:\OSGeo4W\bin\python27.zip', 'C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python27\DLLs', 
'C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python27\lib', 'C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python27\lib\plat-win', 
'C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python27\lib\lib-tk', 'C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis-dev\bin', 

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-dev/./python\qgis\utils.py", line 143, in 
   File "C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-dev/./python\qgis\utils.py", line 309, in 
     mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
ImportError: No module named sextante


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