[Qgis-developer] Migration of SEXTANTE repository

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 05:16:01 PDT 2012

Hi all,

We have finally decided to move the SEXTANTE repo (the QGIS part of
it) to the QGIS repository. The Java part will stay in the googlecode
SVN as it is right now.

The repo will be frozen Aug20th, so please commit your changes before
that date. Once the code is migrated, we will update links in the
SEXTANTE website and the site at hub.qgis, so you know how to update
your copies

Thanks for your understanding, and we all hope this will boost the
development of SEXTANTE and make it easier for both QGIS users and
developers to work with SEXTANTE.


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