[Qgis-developer] Messy field's Id handling with AttributeMap()and fieldmaps if oid/fid/geom fields
regis.haubourg at eau-adour-garonne.fr
Fri Aug 10 05:17:27 PDT 2012
Hi all,
developping EasyCustomLabeling plugin that duplicates layers into memory
layers, and also testing brand new duplicate plugin,* we found a very
cheating behaviour with field Id's and AttributeMap() / AddAttribute methods
of QgsFeature()*.
I'll try to be as clear as possible:
*Qgis provider masks some fields types to user*, such as *oid, fid or
geometry* (if used as displayed geom). This is true for postgis. I guess
other spatial databases are concerned too.
*What happens: *
- if good data admin practice,* oid and geometry fields are generally
stored as last fields *in table or views . (test_oid_geom_at_the_end.jpeg)
:* Everything goes fine*
/ ex: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dce.rwbody_ag_testoid_end AS SELECT
rwbody.eu_cd, masse_eau.nom_masse_eau, masse_eau.nature::character varying
AS nature, rwbody.region_cd, rwbody.system, rwbody.geoml93, rwbody.oid FROM
rwbody; /
- *If oid or fid or geom field are NOT last fields
(test_oid_third_geomend.jpeg )*
/ ex: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dce.rwbody_ag_testoid_end AS SELECT
rwbody.eu_cd, masse_eau.nom_masse_eau, rwbody.oid
masse_eau.nature::character varying AS nature, rwbody.region_cd,
rwbody.system, rwbody.geoml93 FROM rwbody; /
Fields are masked but ids are just omitted. Just have a look to field id's
in layer properties to check this by yourself.
When copying fields or attributes from that source table to a target
table will not copy attributes in the right columns . Id handling seems is
different between fetch attribute with attributeMap() and SetAttributes()..
First one increment ids without oid / fid /geom fields, the other one
As a workaround, it is necessary to handle its own incremented id, *but,
this workaround is not possible when attributes are NULL, because
SourceFeature.attributeMap() only returns NOT empty attributes*. Looping on
that attributeMap is quite tricky:
-- this code is mixing attributes:
for SourceFeature in sourcelayer.selectedFeatures():
Targetfeature = QgsFeature()
sourceAttrs = SourceFeature.attributeMap()
targetProvider.addFeatures( [ Targetfeature] )
-- this is a workaround :
for SourceFeature in sourcelayer.selectedFeatures():
Targetfeature = QgsFeature()
sourceattrs = SourceFeature.attributeMap()
idx = 0
for k,v in sourceattrs .iteritems():
Targetfeature .changeAttribute(idx, v)
idx = idx + 1
targetProvider.addFeatures( [ Targetfeature] )
*My question :
Is possible to correct attributeMap() and setAttributeMap() methods so that
they both handle the same way ids, even if some are masked? * This would be
really easier to handle, especially with growing number of users with
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Messy-field-s-Id-handling-with-AttributeMap-and-fieldmaps-if-oid-fid-geom-fields-tp4994389.html
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