[Qgis-developer] Criticism of lack of symbols in QGIS

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 09:28:09 EST 2012

I agree Andreas.  Gray, Alex and I had a bit of a rant on IRC about this,
well I did anyway ;)

Another point to add is: Even if you do want to use tilemill, PostGIS is
not needed. Tilemill takes shape, kml, postgis and a host of different

Saying "I just give ESRI money so I don't have to learn PostGIS" isn't very
professional, more lazy.  If you don't want to learn another tech that's
fine but just thinking that paying someone is the answer to that is

/end rant


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>wrote:

> As to the criticism: when reading this, I was quite annoyed - while it
> is true, that the situation with SVG symbols, and the lack of quality
> symbols should be improved - but the second part of the criticism -
> having to learn three tools instead of just one, is so out of context
> and plain wrong.
> How is ESRI any better in this respect? If you want to use a spatial
> database with ESRI you also have to learn how to maintain the database -
> on the other hand you can also work with QGIS without having to learn
> Postgis (using spatialite or SHP-files) - and since when is tilemill a
> necessity to publish a map? And since when does plain ESRI arcview
> include a functionality similar to Postgis and Tilemill without having
> to pay for extra modules? Last time I checked, it didn't.
> People should really help to improve the situation rather than complaining.
> Just my opinion,
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