[Qgis-developer] Add QScintilla2 PyQt module to QGIS Distributions?

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 17:48:48 EST 2012

+1 from me.  Sounds like a great idea.  Plugin writing is something that
new users tend to stuggle with and it would be good to have a nice setup to
get them started.

- Nathan

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com>wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> ...
> >> My opinion is that releasing QGIS with the pre-built addition of this
> >> PyQt editor widget (~1 MB compressed) for use by developers, to add
> >> embedded text editors, would be very beneficial.
> >>
> >
> > I don't know what others think, but I for one would love to see your
> > plugin ship with QGIS by default (ie. have it incorporated into core).
> > Doing so would of course simultaneously resolve your request above.
> Thanks for the kind words. It's been an enjoyable learning experience
> for me. I should have a limited experimental version out sometime next
> week.
> I'm working on the .ui, .ts, and .qrc compiling tools now, and have
> some more documentation to write. Things that will be missing in the
> initial release will be: plugin duplication, new plugins from
> templates, packaging and uploading to repository, and the tutorial.
> Everything else is working fairly well.
> Right now I need others to beta-test the core functionality before
> spending anymore time on extra features. I've had it running on my new
> iMac at work and under Ubuntu Oneiric with 30+ tabs open, without
> crashing, albeit the editor gets too glitchy to use.
> The interface is intended specifically for reducing the learning curve
> to writing plugins. Then, after a small project or two, users might
> migrate to a real external IDE and debugging, etc., coming back to the
> editor for the packaging tools and user-space
> tweaking/testing/browsing.
> The editor can always get better, since Detlev's Eric IDE has a
> seemingly endless selection of well-coded, modular features written in
> PyQt. (QScintilla support is key, though.)
> > By the way we have been mulling over updating the plugin template to
> > do the following:
> >
> > - pep8 compliance
> > - pylint friendly
> > - ship with a unit test framework
> > - ship with a ready to roll sphinx project
> Some of those sound like good verifications to add to the packaging
> tool in the editor as well. The packaging and uploading tools are
> intended to ease the repository maintainers' and plugin developers'
> burden by helping to ensure proper metadata and file structure/content
> prior to submission.
> I'm hoping that some other plugin developers will help add new 'use
> case' templates, either to the repository or to be included with the
> editor. This way, a new user can choose a semi-close template to what
> they are thinking of undertaking (e.g. raster manipulation, working
> with legend layers, composer usage, etc.)... basically, starter
> plugins inline with the conceptual sections of the cookbook.
> Regards,
> Larry Shaffer
> Dakota Cartography
> Black Hills, South Dakota
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