[Qgis-developer] Qgis: Aster data & QtCreator

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Mon Feb 27 11:43:08 EST 2012

[fowarding to the list]

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:53:32 +0000, Olivier Camus wrote:
> 1/ I succeed to load geotiff raster file under QGIS, but only gray
> scare are displayed.
> I'm still searching for gis 3d display...

You need to set the color ramp, have a look to the manual (p.86 in the 
fr version). There also is a plugin called 1-band raster which can 
generates one with predefined paramaters, you can also use gdaldem from 
the raster menu. you can also read tim's linfiniti blog -> 

> 2/ Shall I need to compile source from git or  is there some
> libraries available?
> All git files I had found are designed for Linux usage. A pro file
> would be great for me.

I'm not a windows/Qt creator user so I'll let someone else reply for 
this one, qgis is shipped with its lib which class/functions can be 
called without recompilation.

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