[Qgis-developer] Run Feature Action Behaviour
G. Allegri
giohappy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 06:47:54 PDT 2012
I agree that interaction with actions (sorry for the wordplay) should be
revised. Keeping the actions as an expandable node inside the identify
window makes them harder to find and, I feel, it generates to much
I think that an action tool (something kike the cited "thunder" icons shown
in other softwares) would help.
Given the thread object, I relaunch the option to support another kind of
actions: one action for multiple layers. AFAIK it's missing, right?
layer | action
1 | many (OK)
many | many (OK)
many | 1 (missing?)
2012/7/23 haubourg <regis.haubourg at eau-adour-garonne.fr>
> Thanks for this guys,
> I may be wrong in my analyse, please tell me.
> A bit of context. We are trying to use Qgis for two usages:
> 1- classical Desktop GIS for trained users: no worries, actual beahaviour
> is way beyond Mapinfo or Arcmap.
> 2- simplified viewer for beginners and our decision makers, that obviously
> don't have time to get trained (I can't change it). This is more often
> served by a web GIS, but we don't have one for now, so we use QGIS and try
> to stay simple with one tool (two in fact, we did not get rid of Mapinfo
> yet).
> Native run action of identify tool is not immediatly seen by users. Our
> users did learn with Mapinfo.. their habits are quite long to change, and
> they love that yellow thunder icon (ArcMap uses it also..).. (I try to
> change it ;-))
> - Ok for retrocompatibility, it's too late and I wasn't following dev list
> at that time. I understand that. But for future changes, we should at least
> warn users and data adminstrators of such changes, or keep compatibility if
> possible. Upgreading from 1.7 to 1.8 in a company with a lots of projects
> and actions will be more painfull since we have to upgrade all projects of
> all users, or explain them how to do it. (80 frequent users .. ).
> Giuseppe Sucameli wrote
> >
> > I really do not understand how to run an action (which is defined on
> > a layer) on more/all the layers...
> >
> It's quite simple, if there is only one action, under mouse clic, hotlink
> directly run action, if more,opens a lisbox exactly like in Mapinfo. W
> Identify tool requires user to expand "actions" in Identify window. This is
> not understood by newcomers. move windows if it floats on data, which
> triggers a redraw
> Giuseppe Sucameli wrote
> >
> >
> > I still think the Hotlink plugin is quite similar to the identify tool:
> >
> > 1. Identify tool allows you to see full informations about the
> > features, i.e. all the attributes values and not the first one only
> > which usually is a non-significant number,
> > 2. it open a non-modal window that you can move outside the
> > canvas and then click on the map more times without any needs
> > to close it,
> > 3. you can choose the action to run on only one feature.
> >
> > It's not clear to me why don't use the identify tool.
> > Have I missing something?
> >
> Seeing attributes is quite reserved to GIS men. For decision makers, we use
> QGIS as a frontend to navigate between Geographic context (QGIS) and more
> specialised web pages describing objects dedicated to users. For example:
> http://adour-garonne.eaufrance.fr/massedeau/FRFR217
> http://adour-garonne.eaufrance.fr/massedeau/FRFR217 or
> http://adour-garonne.eaufrance.fr/station/05111620
> http://adour-garonne.eaufrance.fr/station/05111620 . I want for them the
> more simple tool possible. If not, they don't use it...
> I would say that identify tool could be satisfying if we find a more
> direct
> way to allow user to run an action.* Why not suppress action subfolder and
> display actions on top of attribute list? *
> Picking a specific tool is not completly satisfying, exploring subfolder
> of
> identify window isn't either.. The ultimate goal is what google does: only
> one default cursor, actions directly on objects.. But we are in descktop
> world, so I'm trying to find a compromise with a plugin, using a well known
> icon, and letting user click directly on a feature.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Run-Feature-Action-Behaviour-tp4990012p4990074.html
> Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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