[Qgis-developer] Plugin SRTM import produces points with no data. Anyone Confirms ?

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 06:10:03 PDT 2012

Hi Anita,

Thanks for your quick reply.
I used to use the raw SRTM files you pointed out, but since I saw this
plugin, I was curious and tried it.
I think the author's aim was to make it easy to get the data corresponding
to your project extent for you : no need to go to some webpage, choose the
right file, etc.
I guess before Qgis raster OTF reprojection, it maked also sense to let the
plugin reproject the data in your project SRS.

This is why I was a bit surprised discovering it converted srtm into vector.


2012/6/8 Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at>

> These SRTM hgt files can be opened as rasters directly. No need for
> SRTMImport plugin.
> http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM3/
> Or is there something special about that plugin?
> Best wishes,
> Anita
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:12 PM, kimaidou <kimaidou at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I just tried the SRTMImport plugin.
>> Using it on a project in WGS84, centered in Montpellier, with on-the-fly
>> reprojection on, I managed to get a "grid" of vector points in my extent,
>> but the layer produced has no column. I excpected to have at least on
>> column for "elevation".
>> Anyone confirms ?
>> By the way, it could be good to create a raster layer instead of a vector
>> layer, or provide an option to choose the format.
>> Michael
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