[Qgis-developer] Webpage

Mathieu Pellerin nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 19:01:17 PST 2012


Speaking of website improvement, I've just dropped in a proposal for a
refined - and more importantly _vector-based_ - QGIS logo here:

I've tried to stick to the original logo as much as possible as clearly
many people are emotionally attached to the current logo. Hopefully, the
proposal also refines the logo with more subtle lightning.

Having QGIS' website use _one_ standard logo throughout (i.e. header logo,
download button logo, etc.) would already be a nice improvement.

Hope this can be of use to the project.



On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 5:48 AM, Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Yes I have seen it. With no disrespect to the GRASS folks I think it has
> enough problems that I would not like to copy it on our site. My
> (hopefully) constructive criticisms:
> * its very busy
> * it doesnt have good whitespace balance e.g. module of the day box with
> screenshots box floating to the right
> * I love jquery but jquery css is looking old already
> * there are too many underlines [ ] >> > and other characters that
> distract attention and make it look not so friendly
> * the panels on the left (search, latest news, map) should have been put
> to the right
> * there is too much white space in the heading area
> * the logo really needs a refresh
> * the heavy green bars distract your eye away from the content
> * there are too many different font sizes and font styles
> * the drop down menus feel visually disconnected from the tabs the spring
> from and menus from tabs just feels kinda wierd
> In short it could really use a designer to introduce balance, correct
> emphasis and remove distractions
> As such I would not be supportive of using it for our site I suggest to
> wait for the sphinx theme based on bootstrap to come out and then start
> moving our web content into that. We will do some customisations for the
> QGIS front page and Richard has been making awesome progress in getting a
> well put together bootstrap based sphinx theme in place for us when we can
> then skin using any bootstrap theme (e.g. checkout some of the themes at
> http://bootswatch.com/).
> So -1 from me
> Regards
> Tim
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> Anyone seen the new GRASS Webpage?
>> I really like the clean and intuitive style with lots of information
>> presented clearly on the top page ..
>> Probably we can adapt it to "our" new webpage?
>> It even looks good on mobile phones ..
>> Opinions on that?
>> kind regards
>> Werner
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> Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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