[Qgis-developer] QGIS stores, in the QGIS project, users logins and passwords from PostGis

J. Gaspar Mora Navarro gaspar.mora.navarro at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 23:00:55 PDT 2012


I can't find how avoid QGIS stores users logins and passwords from 
PostGis in the QGIS project.
If I add the PostGis layer manualy from the QGIS menu, if I disable the 
store user name and store password options, works corretly, the user and 
password don't are stored. But if I add the layer using pyqgis from a 
plugin, the information is stored, and I dont know how avoid that.

If I use this code:

         uri = qgis.core.QgsDataSourceURI()
         uri.setConnection(host, port, database, usuario, password)

         # set database schema, table name, geometry column and 
optionaly subset (WHERE clause)
         if len(nombres) < 2:
             raise Exception("Falta el nombre del esquema en el nombre 
de la tabla")

         uri.setDataSource(esquema, tabla, campoGeom, 
         vlayer = qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), tabla, "postgres")
         if not vlayer.isValid():
             raise IOError, "Fallo al abrir la capa espacial"
         # add layer to the registry

QGIS write that in the QGIS project:

             <datasource>dbname='propiedad' host=localhost port=5432 
user='usuario' password='xeiraaixo' key='gid' 
table="src25830"."elem_interiores" (geom) sql=id_trabajo in (select 
id_trabajo from comun.trabajos where 

How can I avoid that from pyqgis?

Thank you for your time.

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