[Qgis-developer] Merging of incompatible changes

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 06:30:13 PDT 2012

Hi devs,

My humble opinions :

* We should go for api breakage asap, or we will postpone it next time we
will speak again about it.

* +1 for contacting every plugin author and give them a documentation on
how to migrate their plugins to the new api.

* if plugin authors do not respond, we consider their plugin(s) are not
active anymore : if someone has time to replace the author and port the
plugin to the new api, it is great. If not, this must not be a blocker.
Because unmaintained plugins are ... unmaintained. If users really need
theses plugins, they will provide ressources (human, time, money) to help
some other devs to upgrade it.

* ok to have a release every year : it will let devs organize themselves,
and user will have the habit to wait for a new version only at one time of
the year (merry christmas). It will help companies like our to build a
strong commercial offer around Qgis, Qgis Server, and to build up to date
training courses.

* we could release every 6 month like ubuntu, but I am not sure we have the
manpower to do so. If yes, this will be the best IMHO

Hum... reading my text above, it sounds too simple : I do not take into
account the need for bug fixing. One year without a bug fix can be very
long. And backporting means to have time and manpower... ARg, stuck again !

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