[Qgis-developer] Fwd: [Offtopic] Developer wanted for GeoNode to QGis bridge

Tim Sutton lists at linfiniti.com
Mon Sep 17 12:42:53 PDT 2012


On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> wrote:
> It's been suggested that Tim might be a good choice for this. Anyone
> else willing to bid?

My plate is full, but it will be great if someone can take this on.
Note that I had a chat with the WorldBank/Global Facility for Disaster
Reduction folks and they are going to update the specs so that the
plugin will be written against QGIS 2.0 with backwards support to QGIS
1.8 where the 1.8 featureset allows it. WB/GFDR funding has been
behind many of the new goodies coming into QGIS via Radim and Marco H
in the last few months and this is a great opportunity to extend the
goodness even further.



> Thanks,
> Alex
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Offtopic] Developer wanted for GeoNode to QGis bridge
> Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 12:50:43 -0400
> From: Ariel Nunez <ingenieroariel at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: ingenieroariel at gmail.com
> To: geonode-dev at opengeo.org
> Hello GeoNode devs,
> My team is looking for someone to help us build a QGis plugin to
> access and publish data to GeoNode, full details and information about
> applying can be found in the GeoNode blog:
> http://geonode.org/2012/09/help-the-world-bank-build-a-geonode-to-qgis-bridge/
> Ariel.
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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