[Qgis-developer] Label backgrounds (shape, SVG, drop shadow)

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 01:00:53 PDT 2013


Well I'd still vote
for integrating

To me it does make a lot more sense to break the API NOW with 2.0 than
introducing some small glitches afterwards again with 2.1 or 2.2
It's just that the Hackfest starts on Thursday and .. it should be good to
have all API changes pulled in by then ..

So if it's possible to just do a small patch for breaking the API and doing
the "cleanup" during the bugfix phase I'd still vote for doing it right now!

just my 2¢

kind regards

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 4:52 AM, Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's an update on the labeling work I've been doing for the past week:
> * Label backgrounds (geometric shapes and SVG) have been
> implemented/committed, but currently have a couple of loose ends [0].
> * Label drop shadows are essentially functional, and work for label
> buffers [1]. I need a couple of days to clean up the overly verbose code,
> simplify the logic and make it work for label text and backgrounds. In the
> GUI and map canvas screen snaps [2][3] you can see an example of the radius
> blurring and of the 'global' offset option (there are also debug rectangles
> shown). When global is checked for shadow offset, rotated label's drop
> shadows are adjusted to match the global offset for the layer (instead of
> being relative to the label's rotation). For example, this allows all drop
> shadows on all labels, or their buffers/backgrounds, to match what a user
> may have setup in a hill shaded raster, i.e. opposite the angle of a
> virtual sun. Turning on all these features does slow labeling down, of
> course.  :^)
> * Significantly missing functionality currently occurs in the data defined
> aspect of new labeling features. Many of the new features do not have
> corresponding data defined options, and the current gui and usage of the
> data defined values does not mirror that of the new setup by recently
> committed by Dr. Marco H for symbology. Since labeling does not yet have a
> rule-based setup, it would be *very good* to have the current data defined
> setup for labeling switched over to Marco's method. This will allow
> expressions to be used for all labeling options and give users a solid
> feature set for labeling to work with until 2.1.
> So, I have a couple questions:
> Can I push the cleaned up and functional labeling drop shadows work to
> master branch in a couple of days, for inclusion in 2.0? It was my
> understanding this was part of the labeling background work I was
> temporarily allowed to do, but it has taken a couple of days longer than
> expected.
> Does switching over the data defined backend for labeling constitute a new
> feature? If not, I'd like to work on it over the next week.
> If switching over the data defined backend is considered a new feature,
> and not allowed to be committed right now, can I at least work on adding
> some of the missing data defined options for labeling?
> [0] https://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS/commit/b8097239
> [1] https://github.com/dakcarto/Quantum-GIS/commits/labeling_dropshadow_4
> [2] http://drive.dakotacarto.com/qgis/labeling_drop-shadow-options.png
> [3] http://drive.dakotacarto.com/qgis/labeling_drop-shadows.png
> Regards,
> Larry
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd love to have these label backgrounds and drop shadows in QGIS 2.0.
>> Makes sense to me to include this work despite feature freeze since a
>> major effort was made already to improve labeling in QGIS 2.0.
>> so +1 from my side.
>> Thank you for your work, Larry.
>> Andreas
>> Am 30.03.2013 12:32, schrieb Larry Shaffer:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > In an effort to bring a basic label background feature into 2.0 before
>> for
>> > the freeze, I figured out a good approach that makes adding label
>> > backgrounds much easier (better late than never, I suppose) [0]. This
>> means
>> > that adding SVGs and drop shadows for label backgrounds is only an extra
>> > couple of days of work.
>> >
>> > Here's a preliminary gui setup [1] (not all may be implemented, but most
>> > can easily be).
>> >
>> > An example of generic rounded-corner rectangles (a la web mapping and
>> many
>> > road shields) with a bit of x/y offset to nicely center the text [2].
>> >
>> > And, an example of the 'centering' of the background relative to the
>> label
>> > contents (background rotated 90 deg relative to text) [3], regardless of
>> > label's offset placement (see pink-text label next to point feature).
>> This
>> > is a crucial feature for integrating many types of backgrounds.
>> >
>> > Both examples also show one issue: while labels don't overlap due to
>> > collision management, their backgrounds might overlap each other or
>> > previously drawn label text. I believe this is fixable, though I don't
>> know
>> > how long it will take, off hand.
>> >
>> > So... basically, I'm asking those who make decisions whether I can work
>> for
>> > another week on this feature, for inclusion in 2.0.
>> >
>> > [0]
>> https://github.com/dakcarto/Quantum-GIS/commits/labeling_bkgrd-symbols_3
>> > [1] http://drive.dakotacarto.com/qgis/labeling_background-gui.png
>> > [2] http://drive.dakotacarto.com/qgis/labeling_background-rounded.png
>> > [3] http://drive.dakotacarto.com/qgis/labeling_background-rotation.png
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > Larry Shaffer
>> > Dakota Cartography
>> > Black Hills, South Dakota
>> >
>> >
>> >
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