[Qgis-developer] fTools and GdalTools: sextante vs original plugins

Mathieu Pellerin nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 23:21:29 PDT 2013

Anita, yep, remove code for ftool functions that are in sextante but keep
vector menu shortcuts.
On 17 Apr 2013 12:42, "Anita Graser" <anitagraser at gmx.at> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Mathieu Pellerin <nirvn.asia at gmail.com>wrote:
>> There might be a way to make most people happy here.
>> I find the vector menu a nice ui shortcut for useful functions. If
>> sextante relevant functions are at par (or better), couldn't the vector
>> menu items stay, which would please many, and when clicked triggers
>> sextante's function dialogue? Victor? Same thing could happen with vector
>> menu too. Sextante's analysis toolbar is super useful but might be a
>> throwback for some if vector / raster menu functions disappear.
>> On human resource (coders and testers) and maintenance angles, keeping to
>> mechanism to do same thing is an obvious waste.
> I see. So you'd suggest to keep only Sextante code (where duplicates
> exist!) but provide shortcuts from the menu? I'd +1 that.
> I've been testing a variety of functions in the menus and in Sextante over
> the last days and there are always some broken ones. Neither "package" is
> without major bugs today.
> We need to get it together for 2.0 and that's easier if we can focus on
> one.
> Best wishes,
> Anita
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