[Qgis-developer] [Discussion] Repository and Plugin idea for Google Summer of Code

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Wed Apr 17 03:16:34 PDT 2013

Dnia środa, 17 kwietnia 2013 o 09:05:14 Alexander Bruy napisał(a):
> Hi
> On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 11:20:36 +0530
> "aruntheguy at gmail.com" <aruntheguy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 3. The base URL for the remote server can be kept changeable in the
> > application options, so organizations can point it to their servers.
> Maybe it is better to allow enter several URL's at once like in
> Plugin installer?

Exactly. We're just working with Alex on refactored plugin installer and I 
still think about some reusable widgets and logic. Unfortunately I see too 
many differences between plugins and 'static' stuff to make it as closely unified 
as I wish. The present Manager uses QgsDetailedItemDelegate for the plugin 
list items. I'd love to modify it to something like in KDE installers:


But actually it seems to be much more appropriate for styles than for plugins, 
where I incline to a simple list + a html area with metadata.


Anyway, now we're trying to manage to make changes necessary to merge the 
installer into manager in this very short time left to 2.0 freeze, so guess 
there is not enough time to discuss unified look and feel now. We have to to 
push it as it is, and as soon as the styles/snippets installer development 
starts, we can discuss further unifications.

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