[Qgis-developer] Vector buffer commitChanges (was Interaction between QGis and ArcGis)

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 02:41:08 PDT 2013

On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Radim
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Radim Blazek <radim.blazek at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:07 PM, JVerholle <julien.verholle at eaurmc.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> If I want to open the same shapefile in both softwares at the same time, the
>>> file is locked in ArcGis (even if the edition mode isn't used in QGis).
>> QGIS opens layers (files) in update mode ("r+") if possible (file
>> permission + OGR driver support). It may (but also may not) be a
>> problem also for #6448 (slow shp over network) I am currently
>> struggling with. In general, I think that it is bad to open files
>> always in update mode even if in most cases they are not going to be
>> edited.
> Agreed.
>> Currently there are no QgsVectorDataProvider::startEditing() and
>> commitChanges() which may also be a problem for database providers
>> because QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::commitChanges() calls more provider
>> methods changing
>> data (deleteAttributes, addAttributes, deleteFeatures,
>> addFeatures...).  The commitChanges() should do everything in one
>> transaction IMO.
>> My proposal is to:
>> 1) Add QgsVectorDataProvider::startEditing() and
>> QgsVectorDataProvider::commitChanges()
>> 2) In OGR provider try to open layer in update mode only to get
>> capabilities (get info if it can be modified when the provider is
>> constructed) but then to reopen in read only mode.
>> 3) Call QgsVectorDataProvider::startEditing() from
>> QgsVectorLayer::startEditing() to be sure that the layer is still
>> editable (permissions could change or it was opened by another
>> application for editing since the layer was opened) and to reopen
>> files in update mode (files based) or to start transaction (DB based).
>> 4) Call QgsVectorDataProvider::commitChanges() from
>> QgsVectorLayer::commitChanges()
>> 4) In QgsOgrProvider::startEditing() reopen the layer in update mode
>> 5) In QgsOgrProvider::commitChanges() reopen the layer in read only mode
> When would be startEditing() called - when user starts editing in GUI
> or when user is going to commit the changes, just before issuing
> provider editing functions?

When user starts editing (Toggle Editing), that should ensure
possibility of later commit (provider will keep files in update mode
after startEditing()). startEditing() may also fail (if permissions
changed), it would be bad to let user do editing which could not be
commited. Opening a transaction in DB should ensure that commit will
be done on the same data which were edited.

> Maybe beginTransaction() and endTransaction() or commitTransaction()
> would be better names?

Maybe better, but we are already using startEditing() and
commitChanges() in vector layer so I would prefer to use the same.

endTransaction() for rollback?

> It would be practical to have also another
> method to detect whether the provider is in editing mode.

Yes and startEditing() should return false it a transaction is already opened.

> What about legacy code that directly makes changes to
> QgsVectorDataProvider? Will it need to wrap the editing functions with
> these two additional calls? It would be good if that would not be
> necessary and the provider would start and stop the transaction
> automatically if not in editing mode.

It can probably start automatically but when it should commit? It
should not commit changes automatically in destructor, not commited
changes should be lost if supported by provider (DB providers) . File
based providers will do changes immediately, no rollback on provider
level,  but still there will be rollback on layer level.

> Regarding 2) is it necessary to open layer in update mode in order to
> get editing capabilities?

I think so, OGR_L_TestCapability works with opened layer and
OGR_DS_TestCapability can only test ODsCCreateLayer and


>> We don't really have to implement startEditing() and commitChanges()
>> in all providers for 2.0, but it should be in the vector API.
> Agreed.
> Regards
> Martin

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