[Qgis-developer] SymbologyExport parameter

Tim Sutton lists at linfiniti.com
Sat Dec 28 13:18:47 PST 2013


I'm not sure why the Symbology flag is not working (havent time to look
sorry) but a quick fix might be to do this (which worked for me in a quick

error = writer.writeAsVectorFormat(aLayer, r"/tmp/out.shp", "CP1250", None,
"ESRI Shapefile", False, None,"","", False, None,
QgsVectorFileWriter.NoSymbology, 1.0)

(u'Created default style file as /tmp/out.qml', True)

Hope that helps!



On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Pim Verver <pim at travelingo.nl> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I am using the QGis python console for the use of exporting an active
> layer from postgist to a shape file layer.  I want to include the
> symbology as is possible through the GUI of QGis 2 (Dufour).
> I am using the writeAsVectorFormat<http://www.qgis.org/api/classQgsVectorFileWriter.html#a289af78b5b609fbcb0572aaf505f2822>method of the QgsVectorFileWriter class, but keep getting the message that
> there are “Too many arguments” as if the parameter doesn´t exist. That
> seems correct given the fact that the mouse popup for the parameters
> doesn’t indicate a Symbology parameter. However in the  official QGis API
> the parameter is mentioned:
> http://www.qgis.org/api/classQgsVectorFileWriter.html#a1aac90d30d811d2888d1aab4098ad63c.
> The symbology parameter seems tob e added in the latest release (QGis 2)
> Am I using it the wrong way or is someting else going on?
> The alternative would be save the style als SLD and import the style file
> after creating the shape layer, but if I can avoid that …
> The console code sofar:
> canvas = iface.mapCanvas()
> aLayer = iface.activeLayer()
> if aLayer.dataProvider().name() == 'postgres':
>     writer =  QgsVectorFileWriter
>     error = writer.writeAsVectorFormat(aLayer,
> r"D:\Documenten_Travelingo\SkyDrive Pro\Horeca
> routes\Projectbestanden\deBaak Driebergen\Shape bronnen\\"+ aLayer.name() +
> ".shp", "CP1250", None, "ESRI Shapefile", False, None,"","", False, None,
> "NoSymbology", 1.0)
> #    then import the shape file in a new layer
> if error == QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
>     vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(r"D:\Documenten_Travelingo\SkyDrive Pro\Horeca
> routes\Projectbestanden\deBaak Driebergen\Shape bronnen", aLayer.name() +
> ".shp", "ogr")
>     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer)
> Th error is raised at the writeAsVectorFormat method and its parameter
> NoSymbology.
> Thanx in advance
> Kinds regards,
> Pim Verver
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member
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