[Qgis-developer] Test dataset for SEXTANTE unit tests?

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 22:50:07 PST 2013

Hi Victor,

there is a QGIS sample dataset [0], that contains data (both vector
and raster) in different formats. There are shapefile, kml, csv and
even small grass location. Maybe it makes sence to extent this
datased by adding necessary files?

Also there are some test data in QGIS sources [1], that used by QGIS
unit test. You can find them under tests/testdata directory in your

And finally there is a demo dataset called Geosample [2]. This
datased was created by GIS-Lab community and currently a bit
outdated (uses old symbology, project files have old version). In
case if you decide to use some data from it I'm available to help
with reviewing and updating it to latest master.

[0] http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/wiki/Download#72-Alaska
[1] https://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS/tree/master/tests/testdata
[2] http://gis-lab.info/qa/geosample.html

Hope this helps

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:06:32 +0100
Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi all
> I am trying to make it easier to generate unit tests for SEXTANTE
> algorithms, so this task can even be outsourced to non-programmers.
> The idea is that, having an example dataset, an user should be able to
> run an algorithm and then check if the results are as expected. If so,
> SEXTANTE would generate the corresponding code for a test checking
> exactly that, and we could add that to a test suite.
> I would like to know if  someone knows about any good and small
> dataset that is available to be used for that, to avoid having to
> create it. It should be some synthetic dataset dat covers all test
> cases that might appear.
> Thanks in advance
> Victor

Alexander Bruy

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