[Qgis-developer] Error connecting QGIS 1.9.0 to Ortho Refresh WCS
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Jan 18 17:23:37 PST 2013
I think the 10x10 request is being made by GDAL's WCS driver in order
to establish some details about the underlying WCS and it defaults to
the whole extents. It sucks fairly badly that such a request can't be
done. It might be possible to dummy in the information in the .wcs
config file to avoid having to do that query. Investigating.
Best regards,
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Bruce, Bob (CON) <Bob.Bruce at gov.mb.ca> wrote:
> Radim,
> I have been looking at this again with two people from Cubewerx and we find that QGIS is issuing this request:
> http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&&SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&FORMAT=GeoTIFF&COVERAGE=image_set&BBOX=315000.2500000000000000,5425000.2500000000000000,779999.7500000000000000,5804999.7500000000000000&CRS=EPSG:26914&RESPONSE_CRS=EPSG:26914&WIDTH=10&HEIGHT=10
> while the bounding box that I currently have displayed in QGIS is roughly:
> BBOX=632450.0000000000000000,5527900.0000000000000000,634150.0000000000000000,5529000.000000000000
> I need to get QGIS to restrict its request to this extent to work. Do you know how I can do that?
> If I issue this request from my web browser:
> http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&&SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&FORMAT=GeoTIFF&COVERAGE=image_set&BBOX=632450.0000000000000000,5527900.0000000000000000,634150.0000000000000000,5529000.000000000000&CRS=EPSG:26914&RESPONSE_CRS=EPSG:26914&WIDTH=1700&HEIGHT=1100
> I actually get a tiff image that I can view that looks good and is similar to what I would expect to see in QGIS. Now I need to get QGIS to actually issue that request.
> Thanks,
> Bob Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Radim Blazek [mailto:radim.blazek at gmail.com]
> Sent: January-18-13 3:36 AM
> To: Bruce, Bob (CON)
> Cc: Qgis-Developer; ekeighan at cubewerx.com
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Error connecting QGIS 1.9.0 to Ortho Refresh WCS
> Hi again,
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Radim Blazek <radim.blazek at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't see the same problem here. GetCapabilities and
>> DescribeCoverage are not mixed together here. Could it be that you
>> accidentally used GetCapabilities request URL as "URL" parameter in
>> connection details dialog and it was logged on server but that is
>> another issue?
>> I have got another error however. DescribeCoverage is successfully
>> received and parsed, then QGIS sends test GetCoverage request (10x10
>> raster to get more info):
>> http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&&SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&FORMAT=GeoTIFF&COVERAGE=image_set&BBOX=-101.9598305476503981,48.7910076027865429,-94.6376374194891667,52.5230584889113814&CRS=EPSG:4326&RESPONSE_CRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=10&HEIGHT=10
>> and it fails on server side with:
>> "Gateway Time-out
>> The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server
>> or application."
>> Because the request covers the whole extent, it could be that the
>> raster is quite large and there are no overviews/pyramids ready on
>> server, it starts to do resampling of the whole extent but it takes to
>> much time?
> It really seems to be the problem, I have tried with smaller extent
> and server sent a correct TIFF in response. In any case it takes very
> long time.
> Radim
>> BTW, you can find some interesting info in QGIS Settings > Panels >
>> Log Messages - WCS tab or in debug messages. In log messages are
>> usually printed requests which failed and in debug messages are
>> printed all requests.
>> Radim
>> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Bruce, Bob (CON) <Bob.Bruce at gov.mb.ca> wrote:
>>> I am having trouble using the WCS capability in version 1.9.0 code revision f210668
>>> Here are the full details of the QGIS version from the Help listing:
>>> QGIS version 1.9.0-Master QGIS code revision f210668
>>> Compiled against Qt 4.7.1 Running against Qt 4.7.1
>>> Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2 Running against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
>>> GEOS Version 3.3.5 PostgreSQL Client Version 8.3.10
>>> SpatiaLite Version 3.0.1 QWT Version 5.2.1
>>> PROJ.4 Version 480 QScintilla2 Version 2.6.2
>>> This copy of QGIS writes debugging output.
>>> The URL that I am connecting to is: http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store
>>> The URL of the GetCapabilities request is: http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WCS&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
>>> According to Cubewerx, who is our imagery OGC WCS service provider, their log shows both the GetCapabilities and GetCoverage requests present in the same HTTP request while they should be done separately.
>>> This is the request that they are finding in their server log:
>>> 2012-11-15 19:06:00.980 10527 received HTTP GET request from to URL "http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&service=wcs&version=1.1.1&REQUEST=DescribeCoverage&COVERAGE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&SERVICE=WCS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&AcceptVersions=1.1.0,1.0.0"
>>> Is there a fix to this problem available in a later version of QGIS?
>>> Here is the error report that I am seeing in QGIS when I try and add this data source to the project:
>>> WCS provider: Cannot calculate extent
>>> (d:\src\qgis\src\providers\wcs\qgswcsprovider.cpp : 188 : QgsWcsProvider::QgsWcsProvider)
>>> Raster layer: Provider is not valid (provider: wcs, URI: cache=AlwaysCache&crs=EPSG:26914&format=GeoTIFF&identifier=image_set&url=http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG% 3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010%26DATASTORE%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store
>>> (d:\src\qgis\src\core\raster\qgsrasterlayer.cpp : 1609 : QgsRasterLayer::setDataProvider)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bob Bruce
>>> From: ekeighan [mailto:ekeighan at cubewerx.com]
>>> Sent: January-17-13 3:33 PM
>>> To: Bruce, Bob (CON)
>>> Subject: Re: Error connecting QGIS 1.9.0 to Ortho Refresh WCS
>>> Bob,
>>> FYI...
>>> ekeighan at cubewerx.com wrote:
>>> *Raster layer:* Provider is not valid (provider: wcs, URI:
>>> cache=AlwaysCache&crs=EPSG:26914&format=GeoTIFF&identifier=image_set&url=http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010%26DATASTORE%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store
>>> (d:\src\qgis\src\core\raster\qgsrasterlayer.cpp : 1609 :
>>> QgsRasterLayer::setDataProvider)
>>> Is there something at your end that could be changed to allow this to
>>> calculate the extent?
>>> Looking through the server log, we see only the following related request
>>> present twice:
>>> 2012-11-15 19:06:00.980 10527 received HTTP GET request from to URL "http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&service=wcs&version=1.1.1&REQUEST=DescribeCoverage&COVERAGE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&SERVICE=WCS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&AcceptVersions=1.1.0,1.0.0"
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> This doesn't make any sense, since it contains two different REQUEST arguments, one for DescribeCoverage and another for GetCapabilities.
>>> The Qgs error suggests that the base URL it's using is:
>>> http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010%26DATASTORE%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store
>>> but it almost seems as though it was entered improperly as:
>>> http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&service=wcs&version=1.1.1&REQUEST=DescribeCoverage&COVERAGE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store
>>> The WCS request received from the client produces an error return, since
>>> the server has problems parsing the broken request:
>>> <ExceptionReport version="1.1.0" xml:lang="en"
>>> xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1 http://schemas.cubewerx.com/schemas/ows/1.1.0/owsExceptionReport.xsd">
>>> <Exception exceptionCode="MissingParameterValue" locator="identifiers">
>>> <ExceptionText>CubeSERV: Cannot execute WCS request, raised in Wcs_Execute() in file "wcs.c" line 162</ExceptionText>
>>> <ExceptionText>CubeSERV: Missing parameter "identifiers", raised in throwMissingParamError() in file "cw_cgiparams.c" line 797</ExceptionText>
>>> </Exception>
>>> </ExceptionReport>
>>> The first request from the client should be just a proper GetCapabilities
>>> request:
>>> http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010&DATASTORE=OIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store&SERVICE=WCS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&AcceptVersions=1.1.0,1.0.0
>>> which returns the expected data.
>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>> Regards,
>>> Edric
>>> On 17/01/2013 3:35 PM, Bruce, Bob (CON) wrote:
>>> Edric,
>>> I took another look at connecting QGIS to your WCS, using a newer beta test version. It provided a mechanism to connect to the WCS and it allowed me to try and add it to my map. When I tried to add it I got the following message:
>>> WCS provider: Cannot calculate extent
>>> (d:\src\qgis\src\providers\wcs\qgswcsprovider.cpp : 188 : QgsWcsProvider::QgsWcsProvider)
>>> Raster layer: Provider is not valid (provider: wcs, URI: cache=AlwaysCache&crs=EPSG:26914&format=GeoTIFF&identifier=image_set&url=http://nis.cubewerx.com/cubewerx/cubeserv.cgi?CONFIG%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010%26DATASTORE%3DOIM_Ortho_Refresh_2010_store
>>> (d:\src\qgis\src\core\raster\qgsrasterlayer.cpp : 1609 : QgsRasterLayer::setDataProvider)
>>> Is there something at your end that could be changed to allow this to calculate the extent?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bob
>>> *******************************************************************************************************************
>>> ** Bob Bruce, FEC, P.Eng. Geomatics Support Engineer
>>> ** Bob.Bruce at gov.mb.ca Geospatial Technology Services Management
>>> ** work # (204) 945-6636 GeoManitoba, Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship
>>> ** FAX # (204) 945-1365 1007 Century Street,
>>> ** Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3H 0W4
>>> ** 49-54-31.85N,97-12-16.08W
>>> **
>>> ** Check out our digital maps at: http://mli2.gov.mb.ca/
>>> ** and WMS: http://mlidata.gov.mb.ca/wms/request.aspx
>>> *******************************************************************************************************************
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