[Qgis-developer] [Qgis-user] v. in ogr missing from sextante toolbox
Victor Olaya
volayaf at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 23:58:14 PST 2013
If you just want to convert the shapefile to the convert to grass
format and then run another module (you do not need the topology
checking), then, as I said, there is no need to call v.in.ogr.
Say that you want to run v.clean on your shapefile. From SEXTANTE, you
just run v.clean, and select the shapefile you want to use as input.
SEXTANTE will take care of converting it to GRASS format (calling
v.in.ogr), and then converting the resulting GRASS file into the
format you selected
Anyway, the extra options of v.in.ogr sound interesting, and I did not
know about them, so I might add then to SEXTANTE, to allow advanced
users to control with more detail how the import is done.
2013/1/22 Claire McIntyre <cmcintyre44 at hotmail.com>:
> Hi Victor,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I forgot to mention I an using shapefiles. I think i need v. In ogr to convert to GRASS & check topology.
> I'm thinking i may need to change my data to GRASS format rather than shapefile.. I'm an arcgis user recently converted to QGIS so still finding my way..
> Claire
> Sent from mobile device
> On 21 Jan 2013, at 09:39 p.m., "Victor Olaya" <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Claire
>> I do not understand why you need v.in.ogr. You are supposed to open
>> your layers as usual with QGIS, and then just select them in the GRASS
>> algorithm you want to use
>> I hope this helps you
>> Regards
>> Victor
>> 2013/1/21 Claire McIntyre <cmcintyre44 at hotmail.com>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have installed QGIS from OSGeo4W standalone installer. I want to check
>>> topology of a polygon layer. I need v. in ogr
>>> tool available in sextante but it is not there. GRASS 6.4.2 was installed
>>> with QGIS 1.8.
>>> Do i need a newer version of GRASS?
>>> Send
>>> Thanks,
>>> Claire
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