[Qgis-developer] QGis Mobility

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 03:20:52 PST 2013

That's a great news!
Having the core with Python would be great.
Let us know about the progresses.


2013/1/29 Sjoerd van Leent <svanleent at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Currently we (at Realworld Systems) are busy to utilize QGis for mobile
> purposes. We based our work on work done by Marco Bernasocchi, but we
> are also busy including a ported version of Python 2.7.
> We don't use the Gui part, as it is to our minds not suitable. We will
> provide a mobile substitute, but our main aim is to get QGis, Python and
> Necessitas (Qt) to be friendly to each other on Android devices.
> Regards,
> Sjoerd van Leent - Realworld Systems B.V., the Netherladns
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Giovanni Allegri
website: http://giovanniallegri.it
GEO+ geomatica in Italia http://bit.ly/GEOplus
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