[Qgis-developer] Qgis-developer Digest, Vol 93, Issue 21

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 11:11:41 PDT 2013

Hey Giovanni, when you say "any" raster module...it means those two
ones only? supervised classification has changed in SAGA 2.1, so it
shouldn't work, and split rgb is a very special module, not actually a
SAGA one, but one that relies on some SAGA funcitonality...

Do you have problems with other algorithms? I just tested some
geomorphoometry ones and they were working fine.

Thanks for your report!

2013/7/10 Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt>:
> Hi Victor,
>> If you find something that was
>> working before and now it doesn't, please report.
> I update QGIS master on Windows/Osgeo4W, downloaded SAGA 2.1 and
> configured properly SEXTANTE to use it.
> I have not success running any SAGA raster module (ex: split rgb
> bands, supervised classification). For what it matters my installation
> noe fails to run also OTB modules (that previously worked without
> issues, like kmean unsupervised classification).
> I'm missing something?
> thanks in advance
> -- Giovanni --

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