[Qgis-developer] [QGIS-Server] updateFields and Joins

rldhont rldhont at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 09:13:23 PDT 2013

Hi Marco,

I have made some test and to have vectorJoins, QGIS-server must use 

In which method layers can be added to QgsMapLayerRegistry instance ? in 
QgsProjectParser or QgsMSLayerCache ?
In which method layers can be removed to QgsMapLayerRegistry instance ? 
in QgsProjectParser or QgsMSLayerCache ?


Le 12/07/2013 16:24, Marco Hugentobler a écrit :
> Hi René-Luc
> QGIS desktop has some logic during project loading to make sure the 
> dependent layers are loaded as well. The server needs to do something 
> similar (but it is not implemented currently).
> Regards,
> Marco
> On 12.07.2013 16:20, rldhont wrote:
>> Hi Marco,
>> I've made some test about vectorJoins.
>> QGIS-Server doesn't provide joined attributes in GetFeatureInfo, 
>> DescribeFeatureType and GetFeature.
>> I thought it will be enough to add layer->updateFields to have access 
>> to joined attributes, but it's not enough and my vectorLayer has 
>> vectorJoins().size() > 0.
>> How can I activate vectorJoins ?
>> Regards,
>> René-Luc D'Hont
>> 3Liz
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