[Qgis-developer] Open a form of a linked table

Bernhard Ströbl bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Wed Jun 5 04:19:10 PDT 2013

Hi Olivier,

answers below....

Am 05.06.2013 11:42, schrieb Olivier Dalang:
> Hi !
> Bernhard , your plugin sounds great !
> Could you show a screenshot of the editing form to edit the data
> contained in related tables ? Having no PostGIS database setup, I can't
> test it...

I put it in the wiki [1]


> Do you think the plugin would be easily adaptable to work with
> spatialite databases too ?

Hum, yes and no....
Basically yes, the sqls are currently written for PostgreSQL's internal 
structure so they must be redone. Moreover to avoid loading too many 
tables into QGIS, changes in simple and advanced n2m relations are 
currently directly written into the DB in a transaction. This has to be 
handled for spatialite. If there is an effective handling of layer 
groups I would prefer to load all tables into QGIS and thus be able to 
add undo/redo actions, too.

See [2] and the docs in help.

[2] https://github.com/bstroebl/DataDrivenInputMask/wiki/Internal-Structure



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